perjantai 22. maaliskuuta 2013

My Nord Fryssa Snow-Song

My oldest character deserves a post of her own.  Her facial features have varied, but she has always been light-haired warrior type, and the only Dragonborn I play. First the newest pictures, because I think this is the look I want to keep.

Unreal Cinema ENB.
Enchanged lights and FX
Immersive saturation boost
Winter is Coming - Cloaks
Mature skin texture and body for UNP and CBBE

FrankDema Travel Backpacks

The oldest screenshot I have of her. Now she looks too perfect and anime-ish to my tastes.

I tried to photoshop the hair a bit.

The second look I made.

Hair editing here too (obviously..)

This third look is a little bit more bad ass Nord than doll-like. Still was not happy with it.

My personal favorite picture!

The fourth look is definetly the most realistic and least pretty. I love how the muscles show in this picture, thanks to Navetsea's body texture.

tiistai 12. maaliskuuta 2013

My Bosmer Vlandra, part 2 "Blood moon"

The Bosmer are considered to be one of the most pacifist people in Tamriel, mainly because they have not instigated war with other nations. This has led some more militant races, like Nords, to criticize them as cowards.  Like many Bosmer, also Vlandra uses stealth and other means in combat, that do not appear honorable in Nord point of view. She uses poison in her arrows, skulks in the shadows and stabs her victims to the back if need to. She thinks that Nords are too obsessed with the ideal of honor, and that prevents them to do what they want.

Like many, if not all Bosmer, Vlandra always uses armor and clothes that are from the forest. She also hunts and skins animals, and tans the hide to make armor and tools.

Vlandra's current armor, Saviors Hide, which Hircine himself granted to Vlandra for slaying a werewolf in a great hunt.

The path leading to the forest were the great wolf escaped was long and dangerous, but she felt Hircine's guidance in her every step, her hunters blood aching for the coming chase.

Finally she found a tunnel leading to the secluded forest. The air smelled like blood and was thick with mist.

She saw a dead huntress laying in a bloody bedroll. The huntress was clearly killed in the hands of a werewolf.

Another hunter was there, soon facing the same fate as his friend. The khajiit muttered: "Has the Blood moon called you, fellow hunter? The prey is strong, stronger than the hunters... Bring him down.. In the honor of Lord Hircine.." With those words in his lips, he took his last breath.

Secunda had indeed turned crimson, which only happens during Hircine's Wild Hunt. Vlandra blew her hunting horn as hard as she could, poisoned a few arrows and was ready to face the beast.

Later, when she tried on her trophy armor which Hircine had granted, she felt herself trembling. The great wolf had fallen in her hands, and now she had a daedric prince's favor.

maanantai 11. maaliskuuta 2013

My Bosmer Vlandra, part 1

I decided to change all entries in this blog in English, because it's easier and more natural to write about games that way for me. I decided to introduce all my characters.

Bosmer aka Wood Elves are one of the races in Elder Scrolls lore. They also call themselves Boiche or Tree-Sap people, and hail from Valenwood, a coastal province full of lush forests and blue rivers.

torstai 7. maaliskuuta 2013


Few days ago I started to play Fallout: New Vegas again. I continued from the old save I didn't ever finish for some reason. This is pretty unfamiliar gaming genre for me, because I have always played more fantasy-themed games.

Such an awesome game. Lately I have been playing old games trough several times, so it's nice for a change that you don't know at all what happens next and what should you do.

lauantai 2. maaliskuuta 2013

Diamonds in the sky

Pelien visuaalisuudesta

Kun vuonna -1997 aloitin pelaamaan, jännityksen ja seikkailun lisäksi vaikutuksen teki pelien hieno ulkonäkö. Crash Bandicoottia hakatessani jäin aina ihastelemaan viidakkokasveja ja kärpässieniä, Spyroa pelatessani ihailin upeita värejä ja vesiympäristöjä. SimKaupunkia pelatessa hienointa oli rakentaa valtavia puutarhoja ja Tomb Raiderissa vaikutuksen teki kaunis päähenkilö, joka seikkaili upeissa muinaisissa kaupungeissa. Aina uudemman pelin tullessa intoilin hienoista grafiikoista, ja se olikin sana joka kuului sanavarastooni jo ala-asteella.

Vähän vanhempana Sims 2 rajattomat vaihtoehdot kodin sisustamiseen ja hahmojen ulkonäön kaunistamiseen viihdyttivät siinä määrin, että pelaaminen muuttui pelkäksi modaamiseksi, screenshottien ottamiseksi ja kilpailuihin osallistumiseksi. Kyseisessä pelissä modaaminen oli tehty helpoksi ja modausyhteisö oli Suomessakin varsin elävä. Lopulta vanha nuhapumppuni kuitenkin meni niin hitaaksi, että pelaaminen muuttui mahdottomaksi ja elin ilman pelejä pitkän ajan, koska Ps2 huonot grafiikat ja vanhentuneet pelit eivät kiinnostaneet.

Nyt, kun vihdoin olen saanut tietokoneen, joka pystyy sujuvasti pyörittämään eri pelejä, olen löytänyt uudelleen rakkaan harrastukseni. Pelattavuuden, juonen, loren syvyyden ja uskottavien hahmojen lisäksi arvostan pelissä visuaalisuutta. Realismin ja fantasian yhteensovittaminen on vaikea laji, missä mielestäni TES V: Skyrim on onnistunut ainutlaatuisella tavalla. Kyseisestä pelistä otettuja screenejä tulee tähän blogiin runsaasti. Muutama päivä sitten aloitin myös Dragon Age: Originsin uudelleen, joten senkin upeista kohtauksista tulee kuvia, ja tietenkin kaikesta muusta mistä satun innostumaan tulee kuvia & lätinää.